17th Wonca World Rural Health Conference
‘Rural Generalist Family Care’ Webinar

Paul Worley
Australia: Former National Rural Health Commissioner
Chat Transcript
Chat Transcript
00:55:52 Zakiur Rahman: Greetings from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
00:58:00 Lizzy Igbine: Greetings from Lizzy Igbine Nigerian Women Agro Allied Farmers Association Abuja Nigeria.
00:58:03 Zakiur Rahman: We will provide certificate . our closing ceremony on 21st February #wrhc2020
01:03:50 declanfox: Thanks for that Zakiur
01:08:03 Bruce Chater: questions of Paul/
01:09:35 declanfox: I just love the just-in-time knowledge concept especially since that’s the way my mind works but I often thought it wasn’t quite the correct way to do things. Very reassuring to hear this from Paul.
01:10:16 Billy O Connell: Thanks Paul,
01:14:56 Redouane Hadjij: greting form redouane hadjij algeria. my question : how can we create an international training and diploma to consolidate skills in rural medicine? especially for countries which do not yet have a primary care specialization. by this commission?
01:15:42 Jerry Cowley: Excellent presentation Paul. The integration with secondary care is important I agree – Is there a danger that emergency care services from the tertiary centre do tend to take over from the work of the rural GP leaving him out of the picture so resulting in a poorer service which s never properly developed as you so well outline?
01:18:07 Gordon Baird: How do you achieve a proper advocacy/agency balance within the various structures (providers, education, commissioning, politicians)? Without that no change will happen. In the UK it has been undermined.
01:21:21 Elhadi Miskeen: Amazing and informative presentation ..thannk you
01:22:17 Sandra Dimitri: Thank you so much Dr. Worley for sharing. I’m a women health practitioner in a rural area in Egypt and we face the same challenges.
01:22:57 Redouane Hadjij: hadjij.redouane@gmail.com
01:24:18 Redouane Hadjij: thank you very much
01:27:03 Bruce Chater: Marita Cowie <m.cowie@acrrm.org.au>
01:27:51 Redouane Hadjij: do you propose Structured Objective Clinical Examination (OSCE).?
01:38:31 Rick Botelho: Paul, can you share the links?
01:41:30 Bruce Chater: https://www1.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/National-Rural-Health-Commissioner-publications
01:42:03 Marjorie Cross: Interested in discussing asking about some of the dissonance here – it’s not as perfect yet as is being described -I am a rural GP and a Medical Educator in rural NSW – and involved in the development of rural generalism here -very few of our doctors in training in our region have been born in Australia -they deal with isolation from families ; they are most often women – the model is not so widespread yet- Rethinking immigration is an elephant in the room . From patients view points – there are many gaps – cancer mortality domestic violence access to full range of contraception
01:42:24 Rick Botelho: Thanks Bruce
01:43:08 Rick Botelho: We need to ask political leaders and policy makers #BigHairyAudaciousQuestions about equity and sustainability.. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/bhaq-2021-ask-big-hairy-audacious-questions-rick-botelho.
01:43:28 Redouane Hadjij: economic reason is first in regulatory decisions. therefore regulation is possible because rural medicine is economical
01:43:34 declanfox: Good point on immigration–I worked in Canada after working in N. Ireland and found that the immigration and licensing procedures put off some UK/Irish doctors who would have come and more importantly stayed for the rest of their professional lives.
01:48:53 Ian Couper: Paul, I heard a variation on the “one rural village” idea at a rural development conference last week; a rural development worker shared his perspective from on-the-ground involvement in rural villages in South Africa, that “if you’ve seen one rural family, you’ve only seen one rural family”! This was part of an argument regarding the need for democratisation of rural development (in all facets), down to the grassroots level.
01:49:40 Billy O Connell: Could there be a universal policy that could be used when seeking changes for individual rural practice that could be presented to governments with possibly a group from different working context and different countries to present to different governments!! Maybe someone like Paul could be a catalyst for change in other countries.
02:02:25 Rick Botelho: Your conversations about your rural leadership remind me of this quote and metaphor. We need equity leadership to assure that our political, corporate and religious systems serve the needs of we, the people, so that we can serve ourselves more effectively. To redress our inequities, we need to move beyond the perils of neoliberalism (inequity maximizer) to a purpose economy based on equity-in-all public policies: give fairness a chance. This modernized quote of Laozi exemplifies equity leadership.
Equity leaders of the 21st century with bold humility work best when people barely know they exist, when the good work is done and the aims are achieved, the people say: we did it ourselves.
02:02:46 Rick Botelho: “Stand-in” equity leaders enable and let others stand-out, individually and collectively, in common cause for the greater good of all. Equity leaders collaborate across their pinnacles of their mountain tops as a cohesive interdependent network to facilitate large-scale transformation. They generate the network power to build the seismic energy needed to raise the floor of valleys and solve the mega-problems of the 21st century together.
02:04:03 Jerry Cowley: The work of Roger Strasser and Jim Rourke have been key in developing this wonderful concept/pathway. Congratulations to them both – and all who have already followed their great example – we can all benefit enormously from going on the clear road they provided for us! Thank you Roger!
02:06:15 Anna Stavdal: an exemplatory webinar: star presentation, pointez and. not too long🙂,and a good interactive part. congrats and many thanks
02:08:10 Roger Strasser: Paul mentioned the World Bank. See Reimagining Primary Health Care Workforce in Rural and Underserved Settings – World Bank Discussion Paper. https://documents.worldbank.org/en/publication/documents-reports/documentdetail/304851606975759118/reimaging-primary-health-care-workforce-in-rural-and-underserved-settings
02:09:53 Redouane Hadjij: thank you roger
02:15:57 Rick Botelho: Paul. I agree. We need to design equity, interdependence and sustainability as the attractors of large-scale transformational change with simple rules.
02:16:30 Ozden Gokdemir: Thank you very much
02:17:15 Gordon Baird: Many thanks from Bonnie Galloway! Great event. Much appreciated.
02:17:15 Anthony Cordero: Thank you very much everyone!
02:17:25 declanfox: Excellent presentation–many thanks to Paul–and stimulating contributions from others–well worth getting out of bed for this!!!
02:17:34 Redouane Hadjij: thank you paul .bruce and all contribution very good things
02:18:33 Ian Couper: Thanks Paul and Bruce.
02:18:43 Pratima Durga: Thank you, Paul and thank you everyone. See you next week.
02:18:55 Sandra Dimitri: Thank you so much
02:19:10 Lara Wieland: thank you everyone.
02:19:57 Ozden Gokdemir: This doesn’t work for “to quit smoking”?
02:20:02 Jerry Cowley: Great Webinar, Thanks all. t
02:20:13 Lara Wieland: wise words to finish with