17th Wonca World Rural Health Conference

Rural Café

January 9, 2021

Video Not Available Yet

Chat Transcript

Chat Transcript

01:02:28 Marcela Araújo de Oliveira Santana: Hello! Good morning
01:02:59 Zakiur Rahman: Greetings from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
01:03:00 Bruce Chater: Good evening in return 🙂
01:03:13 Zakiur Rahman: Good evening
01:03:44 Paulo Henrique Arantes de Faria: Good morning from Brazil hahah
01:07:48 Declan Fox: Every cloud does indeed have a silver lining!!
01:09:38 Declan Fox: My camera just broke down!! Sorry folks
01:10:05 Mayara Floss: All that want to participate should turn the camera (:
01:10:32 Mayara Floss: So I know who I should introduce
01:13:35 Mayara Floss: I think the quality is low and it is not possible to read. Is this just for myself?
01:14:04 Zakiur Rahman: not readable here also
01:14:28 Fahimur Rahman Sizan: It’s happening here also
01:14:51 Marjorie Cross: Excellent photography / videography
01:15:02 Omar hasan tonoy (711): i am not getting it
01:15:04 Mayara Floss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrRHTydkXmY
01:20:32 Mayara Floss: Jerry I lived in Galway and observed Dr. Edward Harty for year and a half
01:21:50 Mayara Floss: Who is not talking please remember to turn off the mic
01:22:13 Elhadi Miskeen: I am from Sudan..working in Saudi Arabia..FAIMER FELLOW 2020
01:26:21 NayLinOo, GP, Wundwin: sorry bad connection 😞 from my side
01:33:49 Mayara Floss: Hi all, can we say name, profession and where we are talking from and what beverage you are taking?
01:37:33 Marjorie Cross: Mayara How did your video go in the international competition – I voted for it
01:38:55 Marjorie Cross: I am a medical educator as well as a Gp and writing today about communicating the Burden of Care in General Practice
01:39:08 Mayara Floss: We didn’t get any award, but we were happy to be selected
01:39:29 Mayara Floss: Thank you Marjorie
01:40:04 Marjorie Cross: It was a great video anyway
01:40:22 Bruce Chater: yes – as always
01:41:42 joice baliddawa: I am a senior lecturer at the College of Health Sciences, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya. I am in charge of training 8 cadres of health care professionals in the community. The challenge we have is how to continue with field experiential learning using technology.
01:44:37 Mayara Floss: Natasa if the mic is not working you can write here
01:46:21 Marjorie Cross: Natasa – write in the Chat for us all
01:47:04 Göbith: This is Gobith,Rural family physician and medical educator.
01:48:33 Göbith: Enjoying my evening coffee which prepared by local coffee bean, dry Ginger and coriander seeds.
01:50:42 Kerri Jones: Hello I’m Kerri Jones – rtd UK anaesthesiologist with major interest in teaching quality improvement and leadership skills to frontline healthworkers to empower them to improve health. Interest has turned to looking at the the reality of how community health workers and teams support the improving health agenda. Working in Kenya for 12 years – currently in Migori and Laikipia counties. Bidding (through University of Plymouth) for work in Uganda to look at the above and to incorporate geo-spatial mapping as a data source to support village health teams to support healthy communities. We will use the learning about CHWs in communities in SW England.
01:51:43 Pawan KB Agrawal: Hello, everyone. This is Pawan from Nepal. I am a rural GP with interest in rural surgery and chronic disease management. It’s nice to know you all.
01:53:54 joice baliddawa: More about how each of us are undertaking rural health implementation. more about inte-rprofessional education, multidisciplinary approaches, intergration of the programs,
01:55:52 Omar hasan tonoy (711): Hi Everyone!
actually I’ve some network issue here so that I couldn’t join the meeting from first.
however, I’m Omar Hasan Tonoy
I’m from Bangladesh and I am a medical student….I’m drinking coffee.
and I work for Pcrhb ❤️
01:56:33 Bruce Chater: Welcome Omar
01:56:55 Mayara Floss: Great to hear from you Omar
01:57:05 Fahimur Rahman Sizan: Hi! I’m Fahimur Rahman Sizan.
I’m From Bangladesh and I’m a medical student!
I work for Pcrhb ❤️
01:57:18 ALmoakhir Bhuiyan Emu: Hello, everyone,, I’m ALmoakhir Bhuiyan Emu. from Bangladesh, I’m a medical student,, work for pcrhb
02:00:17 Sayed Siddiqui Swan: Hello everyone, I am Sayed Siddiqui Swan. I’m from Bangladesh & i’m a medical student.
02:01:01 Rubayath Jahan Tanjid: Hi everyone, I am Rubayath Jahan Tanjid..
02:01:43 Rubayath Jahan Tanjid: From Bangladesh,PCRHB.
02:02:14 Adnan Bin Farouk: Hello everyone,
I’m Adnan Bin Farouk.
I’m from Bangladesh, PCRBH
02:03:20 Pauline Wilson: agree with Jerry we need to protect generalist and rural practice- move to specialisation and centralisation. we need to celebrate and raise the importance of versatile medical practice.
02:04:28 Göbith: Infact, it is a privileged to serve in own community . We enjoy our day to day practice with full of joy. Each clients are special to us and they give much of joy by receiving services. we fortunate to get much variety of medical conditions in limited resource setting. We travel villages, home visits, community camps.Each actions are unique and cannot forgot in entire life . I love my profession and being as rural practitioner. Like to hear from others . Thanks Gobith.Touch me via rgobith@gmail.com
02:04:37 Bruce Chater: Jack of all trades
02:04:45 Bruce Chater: Master of none
02:04:49 Bruce Chater: …
02:05:00 Bruce Chater: But oft times better
02:05:11 Bruce Chater: than master of ONE
02:05:15 Marjorie Cross: than master of one
02:05:22 Marjorie Cross: SNAP !
02:05:31 Nataša Mrduljaš-Đujić: Hi to everyone! I.m very pleased to see you and hear even thou is something wrong with my microphone. My practice is on Island Brač, Croatia, rural place, 1300 patients. I,m representative of KoHOM, society of GP in Croatia. very nice to meet you all this way!
02:06:11 Nataša Mrduljaš-Đujić: Nataša
02:06:30 Mayara Floss: I would like to hear from the med students why they got interested about rural
02:06:34 Ewen McPhee: Lovely to meet you Natasa
02:06:38 Alvee Rahman Shifa: Hi Everyone!
actually I’ve some network issue here so that I couldn’t join the meeting from first.
however, I’m Alvee Rahman Shifa
I’m from Bangladesh and I am a medical student….
and I work for Pcrhb ❤️
02:07:23 Mayara Floss: What means PCRHB?
02:07:49 Zakiur Rahman: Primary Care & Rural Health Bangladesh
02:07:51 Fahimur Rahman Sizan: Primary Care & Rural Health Bangladesh
02:08:05 Mayara Floss: And how the students get involved?
02:08:42 Zakiur Rahman: we have students wing in medical college
02:09:39 Bruce Chater: the student’s JOY was obvious in the beautiful opening ceromony
02:09:39 Fahimur Rahman Sizan: And the first committee of PCRHB in Bangladesh started from Brahmanbaria Medical College
02:10:39 Zakiur Rahman: World Rural Health Conference Organizing host pcrhb and students doing lot of things.
02:10:54 Zakiur Rahman: our future leaders
02:12:22 Mayara Floss: Who of the students from Bangladesh can talk about their rural experience
02:12:23 Fahimur Rahman Sizan: Thanks to Zakiur Rahman sir who is helping us to be a great leader in future
02:13:54 Mayara Floss: Almoakhir can you talk?
02:14:08 Mayara Floss: After Zakiur?
02:14:08 Elhadi Miskeen: amazing well organized session
02:14:20 MD Jahidul Islam: Hellow,everyone
I am MD Jahidul Islam
I am from Bangladesh,PCRHB.
02:14:24 Göbith: We have modules on Eommunity Empowerment under FORCE ( Forum of Rural Community Empowerment)Projects. I’m the founder and current manager. Interested to share and know more about Empowerment. Gobith
02:17:26 Jerry Cowley: well said ALMOAKHIA
02:17:58 declanfox: Empowerment so important in rural practice. We have to accept that we as physicians cannot do everything—we have to trust our non-physician colleagues
02:18:10 Rubayath Jahan Tanjid: Well said Al-muakhir
02:19:26 Pauline Wilson: having a link with a rural area seems important in terms of recruitment to live and work in rural area- therefore we need to encourage more medical student spending time in a rural area.
02:21:13 Mayara Floss: Absolutely Pauline
02:22:16 Pauline Wilson: In Shetland we have a project called JOY GPs – these are GPs who are nearing retirement coming for short blocks to rural GP practices- it was built on rediscovering the JOY of being a family GP.
02:22:22 joice baliddawa: it will be nice to organize various cafes for the various groups of health care professionals working in the community. The rural and community orientation make the health care professionals more client/patient centered health care providers.
02:24:27 Mayara Floss: Please let me know who wants to talk
02:24:34 Mayara Floss: As we need to finish the cafe
02:24:49 Marjorie Cross: The phrase of the year 2020 – is “Can you hear me ?”
02:24:54 Mayara Floss: It is being a lovely chat
02:24:59 Mayara Floss: Absolutely Marjorie
02:26:29 Mayara Floss: Please let me know who wants to talk
As we need to finish the cafe
02:27:43 Jerry Cowley: WELL SAID HANI
02:30:10 joice baliddawa: This sharing is great. Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences and joys.
02:30:19 Marjorie Cross: It’s maintaining the passion and the compassion
02:30:40 Mayara Floss: I made a video long ago of how I discovered rural health in Ireland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqIqFNP88_Y
02:33:19 Ewen McPhee: Pauline have you published anything about the “Joy GP”?
02:34:39 Jerry Cowley: Hi Pauline – a wonderful initiative – with retired rural doctors in the Shetlands.
02:35:00 Mayara Floss: It reminds the rural heroes
02:35:12 Mayara Floss: Anyone wants to give a final word
02:35:22 Mayara Floss: ?
02:35:39 Jerry Cowley: Well said Zakiur
02:36:42 Pauline Wilson: https://www.srmc.scot.nhs.uk/joy-project/
02:37:01 Marjorie Cross: Can we have a screen shot
02:37:08 Nataša Mrduljaš-Đujić: Thanks to everyone, specially to Mayara! I hope we’ii continue this conversation. Bye!
02:37:55 Kerri Jones: Contact kerrijs@icloud.com
02:38:55 Jerry Cowley: Great job Mayara!
02:39:10 Anthony Geronimo Cordero: Thank you to everyone! Greetings from the Philippines
02:39:17 Ewen McPhee: Hi Pauline, I am looking at a similar program for rural Australia. Do you have an email you are happy to chare?
02:39:37 Ewen McPhee: Mine is ewen.mcphee@uq.edu.au
02:40:20 Göbith: Had a joyful evening. Thanks all. Göbith
02:40:41 Jerry Cowley: Pauline We are interested also in Ireland – we have heard about it and are also interested
02:41:06 Mayara Floss: Thank you the rural seeds team!
02:41:20 Marcela Araújo de Oliveira Santana: Thanks! It was amazing!
02:41:22 joice baliddawa: Goodbye to all this was very interesting.
02:41:26 Jerry Cowley: drjerrycowley@gmail.com
02:41:54 Zakiur Rahman: thank you all
02:42:09 Paulo Henrique Arantes de Faria: Thank you everybody! It as amazing listening to you all. I loved it! Thank you
02:42:32 Kerri Jones: So interesting – thankyou!
02:42:35 Roger Strasser: Fantastic Rural Café… Thank you Mayara and everyone
02:42:38 declanfox: Great event. Thanks to all esp Mayara for this
02:42:47 Pauline Wilson: thank you
02:42:47 Ewen McPhee: Good night