17th Wonca World Rural Health Conference
‘Establishing Family Medicine in Low and Middle Income Countries’ Webinar

Raman Kumar
India: President WONCA South Asia
PowerPoint Presentation
Chat Transcript
Chat Transcript
00:26:44 Zakiur Rahman: Greetings from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
00:27:01 Zakiur Rahman: welcome you all
00:30:52 Ozden Gokdemir: Thank you very much
00:40:01 Jerry Cowley: Is the emigration of medical personnel from India severely affecting the opportunities/ ability to further develop the Indian rural generalist in primary care?
00:41:03 declanfox: Reminds me of student electives in local hospital in Omagh, N. Ireland in the 1970s when virtually all the junior doctor (like residents) posts were filled by doctors from India.
00:55:34 Marjorie Cross: Australia remains heavily dependent on immigration of doctors – Around 30% of Australia’s medical workforce originally trained overseas, with the percentage higher in more rural communities.
A 2019 paper found that, despite numbers of Australian-trained doctors more than doubling since the late 1990s, recent locally trained graduates are ‘less likely to work either as general practitioners (GPs) or in rural communities compared to local graduates of the 1970s–1980s’.
It also found the proportion of overseas trained doctors was increasing among rural GPs and other medical specialists for each cohort of doctors entering the medical workforce since the 1970s, and peaked for entrants in 2005–09.
‘Australia relies heavily on [IMGs] for rural medical workforce capacity, both as GPs and other medical specialists, for access to medical services in large and small communities and this reliance is increasing,’ the paper states.
00:56:18 Jerry Cowley: Tremendous work done Rahman. Congratulations Thanks for clear and informative presentation today. Best of luck in the future with everything.
00:56:32 Bruce Chater: after some initial questions and discussion I would like others to share their progress
00:57:17 Marjorie Cross: That was an excellent conference and the presence of those senior national politicians was very important
00:58:10 Elhadi Miskeen: Thanks for the amazing presentation and great job
00:58:17 declanfox: Excellent presentation and your work is an inspiration to us all. Thank you.
01:00:04 Redouane Hadjij: waao a very good publication
01:03:10 Redouane Hadjij: What did it take to have externally qualified family doctor trainers to create your own borad?
01:03:53 Marjorie Cross: Rahman You talk about public and private healthcare in an enormous population : do you know the approximate incidence in RURAL areas of health care workers that actually have no formal medical training
01:09:50 Jerry Cowley: Would greater financial incentivisation ie carrot vs stick approach help- but political would need to be strong? People leave for a better life elsewhere?
01:12:25 Ewen McPhee: An excellent presentation Raman, I greatly enjoyed the Conference in New Dehli and it is such a honour to have met you and your peers. Your presentation speaks to the amount of work that you and your colleagues have done to advance General practice in your country. Ewen McPhee
01:13:53 Raman Kumar: Thank you every one!
01:14:44 Elhadi Miskeen: I have comments
01:21:30 joice baliddawa: At Moi University College of Health Sciences in the school of medicine there is a postgraduate program of Family Medicine. The doctors are placed in those sites where students go for the undergraduate program of community based education and services The department coordinating is known as Medical education, family medicine and community Health.
01:29:28 Musfiqunnesa Nusrat: Assalamu alaikum to all,
Zakiur Rahman sir & you all gave so good presentation
01:30:16 Aliki Traianou: Apologies for joining so late.
01:31:31 Redouane Hadjij: a new international model with contribution of wonca and who , the people are waiting
01:31:49 Elhadi Miskeen: I want some one to help me in findings fellowship of post MD training in Canada or Austria …with thanks
01:31:56 Gordon Baird: Thanks Bruce for your work in organising this. Great talk and discussion. Great presentation.
01:32:11 Elhadi Miskeen: My email : hadimiskeen19@gmail.com
01:34:48 Robiya Lubna: doing well everyone 💖
01:36:55 Marjorie Cross: Rahman – there seems to be mobile telemedicine in some parts of India ( SMS & cell phone technology) Is this really working at the village level for some rural area s
01:37:22 Ozden Gokdemir: What do you think about the vaccination policy?
01:39:45 joice baliddawa: Is there a forum where we can share with the projects students write about their rural experiences. Our COBES program produces a large number of reports of the field rural experiences. Would be glad to share these reports here as students go to various stations in rural settings.
01:42:18 Redouane Hadjij: thank you all
01:46:46 Ewen McPhee: 300,000,000 vaccinations in 2 months! makes Australias challenge insignificant…
01:49:53 Marjorie Cross: The numbers are extraordinary starting with greater than 1.2 billion people This is one of the largest health care delivery systems in the world
01:51:51 Jerry Cowley: Inspirational presentation and discussion. . Thanks Rahman.
01:52:47 Redouane Hadjij: bravo raman kumar
01:54:58 SHEEBA KUNJU RETNABAI: May be we should then of New Mexico curriculum which was very good in motivating the young doctors to do family medicine and community health care
01:55:21 Ewen McPhee: Thank you Bruce.
01:55:25 SHEEBA KUNJU RETNABAI: Sorry, think
01:55:41 SHEEBA KUNJU RETNABAI: Thanks a lot Dr Bruce
01:55:43 Zakiur Rahman: thanks
01:55:45 Aliki Traianou: Thanks everyone
01:55:53 declanfox: Thanks everyone, excellent session