17th Wonca World Rural Health Conference

Closing Ceremony

February 21, 2021

Closing Ceremony Part 2

Closing Ceremony Part 3

Message from Garth Manning Previous CEO WONCA

Address by Prof Donald Li President WONCA

Rural Health Hospital Bangladesh Virtual Visit


Chat Transcript

Chat Transcript

00:28:43 Bruce Chater: Welcome – the opening with start in 1&1/2 hours from now
00:55:32 Bruce Chater: Now one hour till we start
01:17:35 Ozden Gokdemir: Hi
01:17:51 Shamima: hellow
01:18:01 Ankit Lohan: hlo sir
01:18:44 Bruce Chater: Hello everyone – staring in 36 minutes
01:19:07 Bruce Chater: sorry STARTING
01:33:40 Tamkin Khan: no sound
01:36:59 Bruce Chater: Thanks
01:37:26 Bruce Chater: I will test the sound in 3 minutes 15 minutes from the start
01:43:42 Hayat Gommaa: yes sir we hearing you well
01:43:52 Dusan Baraga: sound ok
01:43:54 Hayat Gommaa: wishing you successful sessions
01:43:58 tamkin khan: Can hear now. thanks
01:44:03 Dan Manahan: Can hear well Bruce
01:45:17 Jie GU: sound is good
02:01:07 Shelley Nowlan: can e
02:02:48 Shelley Nowlan: good evening from Australia. so pleased to join you all
02:03:10 Redouane Hadjij: good morning from algeria
02:03:13 tamkin khan: Hi everybody from jnmc amu aligarh india
02:03:16 Ping Foo Wong: warm greetings from Malaysia
02:03:37 Rosario Falanga: Good morning from Italy
02:04:01 Ephraim Senkyire: good morning from Ghana
02:04:03 James Rourke: good morning everyone from Canada
02:04:20 Elhadi Miskeen: Greetings from Sudan
02:05:17 Jie GU: good evening from China
02:05:21 (703) tamim: good afternoon from Bangladesh
02:06:12 Elsie Kiguli-Malwadde: Good afternoon on behalf of the Network TUFH. from Kampala Uganda.
02:06:38 Naim Hossain: good afternoon from Bangladesh
02:06:41 Joyce Kenkre: Good morning from the Uk
02:06:44 Dan Manahan: Good evening from Queensland Australia.
02:07:30 Ephraim Senkyire: we need this lecture notes
02:07:52 Redouane Hadjij: exellent
02:09:50 SHEEBA KUNJU RETNABAI: Hi, Good afternoon and so happy to join you all in this meet, from UAE.
02:12:01 Tasnim Chowdhury: Hello..good afternoon from Bangladesh
02:12:13 Dr kazi fatema akter: Good Afternoon 🙂
02:17:38 RITESH CHAUDHARY: Good afternoon all from Nepal.
02:18:13 Federation of African Medical Students’ Associations: Welcome, great to meet everyone. Shabir Moosa (Wonca Africa/AfroPHC) https://profmoosa.com/
02:18:45 Kazeem Adekunle: DR Adekunle
02:18:57 Redouane Hadjij: Are there annexes of universities at rural (proximity) level?
02:19:02 Anthony Cordero-Philippines: Greetings from the Philippines!
02:19:13 Kazeem Adekunle: Good morning
02:20:13 Redouane Hadjij: should there be annexes of universities at the rural (local) level?
02:20:14 Dr Abu Sayed: Greetings to all participants from Brahmanbaria Medical college, Bangladesh
02:20:21 Raman Kumar: Greetings from New Delhi. Pleasure welcoming all delegates on the behalf of WONCA South Asia Region. We are proud of have organized 17th WONCA World Rural Health Conference in Bangladesh and South Asia region. Well-done organizing team!
02:21:18 Dr Abu Sayed: My heartiest gratitude to all deligates
02:22:28 Elhadi Miskeen: Thanks for the Wonderfull events ,,,The serial of webinars addressing rural health are very interesting ..I have a question about the role of medical education in rural health,,,what can do the undergraduate curriculum in improving the rural health
02:22:49 Shelley Nowlan: very sincere discussion. thank you for recognising all professionals and my nursing colleagues.
02:26:28 Jerry Cowley: Good morning from Ireland where the sun is shining at the moment. Congratulations Zakiur and WONCA South Asia region. The Blueprint for Rural Health in the Bangladesh Conference declaration is such a rich source for discussion.
02:27:21 Redouane Hadjij: I think that this recommendation will make it possible to go in the direction of the millinary objectives of the who and of the united nations
02:32:08 Senkyire Ephriam: is WONCA only about medical education or for all health professionals?
02:43:07 Shelley Nowlan: we have the professional generosity to broaden our scope and impact.
02:48:45 Redouane Hadjij: it’s a great success this conference thanks bruce, and all the delegations of the wonca
02:49:36 Hayat Gommaa: greating from Nigeria
02:56:37 Marjorie Cross: This is very pertininent – gender lens be explicit – excellent
02:59:00 Marjorie Cross: Thank you
02:59:32 Pratyush Kumar: Thanks 👍
02:59:45 Pratyush Kumar: hi everyone,
03:00:11 Karen Flegg: How wonderful that such a strong and eloquent woman is WONCAs next président.
03:00:24 Hina Jawaid: Hello everyone- good to see you all- well done Prof Zakiur- good job
03:00:40 declanfox: Hear hear Roger–excellent work everyone and sincere congratulations to all
03:03:56 Redouane Hadjij: thank you pr zakiur and wonca asia .
03:04:39 Yogendra man Shakya: greeting from Kathmandu Nepal,thank you prof zakiur Rahman and team for inviting me. feeling proud and solidarity in being gp.
03:06:00 Hina Jawaid: Greeting from Pakistan- thanks for the invite- wonderful to see great work been done in South Asia
03:09:07 Hina Jawaid: Agree ubdergraduates need to know that Family Medicine exist. A survey in Lahore (Pakistan) showed only 38% final year med students were aware of FM as a specialty
03:11:03 James Rourke: great work Zakiur, Bruce and all at making the COVID pivot from planned F2F conference to successful longitudinal virtual conference capped off with the Blueprint discussion today
03:11:32 Jerry Cowley: This has been a wonderful learning experience, Thanks to Bangladesh who have turned the COVID calamity on its head through the Rural WONCA/ TUFH series which I’ve had the pleasure of being part of and learned so much from a rich vein of rural experts/ practitioners from all over the world. It has been a rich learning vein which has given me new hope about the journey we are on to establish an infrastructure of good rural health
03:11:40 PREM ADHEESH LEKHI: brilliant and brave kudos to all
03:12:37 Dr.Tarun Vyas: very informative session
03:13:38 Jose Francisco’s iPad: Congratulations for the blue print and the interesting longitudinal conference. Best regards from Latin America / JF
03:15:14 Zafar: Well done very informative session thnx a lot of WONCA
03:16:28 Ian Couper: Well done and thank you to everyone. I need to leave, but have been glad to connect. Enjoy the celebrations.
03:16:48 Joyce Kenkre: Excellent informative meeting I especially enjoyed hearing the development of team working from Joice in Kenya
03:17:28 Zaqueo Fajardo: Greetings from the Philippines! Congratulations to the whole organizing Committee of the WONCA Rural Health conference
03:17:50 PREM ADHEESH LEKHI: congrats from malaysia
03:18:08 Ozden Gokdemir: Congrats from Turkey
03:18:55 Ewen McPhee: Congratulations Zakiur, thank you Bruce and TUFH for making this work. It has been excellent.
03:20:49 Elhadi Miskeen: Thanks very much the organizing committee for the great efforts..special thanks Bruce and Zakir for the made it possible ..ELHADI MISKEEN
03:21:47 Marita Cowie: Congratulations on a great conference Zakiur, Bruce and everyone on the organising team. Wonderful work!
03:22:40 Roger Strasser: Congratulations again to everyone involved on the outstanding success of this World Rural Health Conference. It is very late here in New Zealand so I am going to sign off… Good bye to all.
03:23:04 Sharmeen Yasmeen: congratulations to Dr.Zakir, Mr.Bruce and all the organizing members for this successful event .
03:23:09 Ping Foo Wong: Congrats and well done Drs Zakiur, Bruce and team. Wonderful conference
03:27:11 Rosario Falanga: Congrats, greetings to everyone from Italy, thanks
03:27:23 Muhammad Jahangir: congratulations to all
03:28:56 Jerry Cowley: Well done Zakiur and your team in Bangladesh. Well done Bruce – a really excellent chairman. Looking forward to the 18th Rural Conference of WONCA to be held in Ireland from 17th to 20th June 2022.
03:30:48 AYSE CAYLAN: Congratulations Dr Zakiur Rahman
03:31:55 Aramide: Congratulations indeed to Zakiur, Raman and the team.
03:32:49 Aramide: well done all. Dr Oteju Aramide, AfriWon (YDM Wonca Africa)
03:36:22 Yogendra man Shakya: thank you chair prof Zakiur Rahman and thanks prof Raman Kumar president south east asia, very glad to participate. best wishes from Nepal
03:40:45 Karen Flegg: c I ngrats on pulling off this WONCA first..longitudinal conference and all virtual. Zakiur Bruce and all others.. well done
03:53:24 Sharmeen Yasmeen: Congratulations to Prof.Zakiur and your whole team for organizing such a big event in this corona pandemic. it’s been long 4 months to keep up the conference with great success. Public Health Foundation,Bangladesh always be your side in future events.
03:54:00 PREM ADHEESH LEKHI: kindly give e cert to all participants
04:01:28 Zafar: waooo Excellent job prof . Zakirur sir And Every thanx To WONCA Rural health for his excellency ❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹
04:02:41 Tarequl islam: congratulations to all❤❤❤
04:04:44 Dr. Pratyush Kumar: Congratulations Zakiur and Bruce for excellent job and leadership.. It was great listening to you all.
04:09:39 Hina Jawaid: wonderful team work- congratulations to all behind the scenes too
04:17:13 SHEEBA KUNJU RETNABAI: Congrats to Dr Bruce and Dr Zakir for a well organized and informative conference and looking forward to attend the forth coming conference in person in Ireland.
04:23:36 Aye Aye Thein: Congratulations to all for organizing a very productive Conference
04:23:52 Lin Htet: Thanks all for a very infomative conference.
04:24:26 Hayat Gommaa: very good achievements
04:24:30 Hayat Gommaa: congratulations
04:24:38 Hina Jawaid: Marvellous
04:25:43 Elhadi Miskeen: Congratulation..well done
04:25:57 Hany Tadros: Thanks to WONCARural for this amazing sessions about rural generalist pathway
04:27:29 Dan Manahan: Congratulations Zakiur and Bruce. The Blueprint is an excellent document taking us another step forward. Well done team Bangladesh and best wishes Ireland.
04:29:17 Ping Foo Wong: thank you again, will log off now , attending another meeting.
04:29:44 Bruce Chater: thank you
04:30:11 Zakiur Rahman: Thank you everyone 💓
04:31:06 Dusan Baraga: Thx to all
04:31:43 Jerry Cowley: Looks fantastic!
04:31:58 Zakiur Rahman: need 15 more minutes cultural and cake festival. you all will get certificate shortly
04:34:14 Redouane Hadjij: it is my first Time here i Hope itns’t thé last thanks you all
04:42:53 Jerry Cowley: looking forward to visitng Bangladesh. Looks beautiful!