17th Wonca World Rural Health Conference
‘Digital Health AI and Telehealth: Improving Not Worsening Access’ Webinar

Shannon Nott
Australia: Western NSW Local Health District
Chat Transcript
Chat Transcript
01:48:09 Ozden Gokdemir: There’s a problem with slides
01:48:41 Ozden Gokdemir: Could it because of wireless connection?
01:49:17 Nandita: I face the same issue of poor clarity of slides. The audio is good.
01:54:47 Mya Win Hnit: Yup, the slides are blurred. Is that due to a connection problem?
01:56:02 joice baliddawa: no idea seeing the same in kenya
01:56:22 Richard Fitton: same in England
01:56:47 Leo (formally ‘Lodewijk’) Pas: same in europe
01:56:50 Shannon Nott: Just upload a pdf of the powerpoint slide for your to follow at home if your slides are not readable
01:56:55 Shannon Nott: uploaded*
01:57:11 joice baliddawa: Thanks
01:59:11 Nandita: Thanks Shannon! Works for me.
01:59:32 Ozden Gokdemir: Thank you very much Shannon
02:00:49 Anthony Cordero-Philippines: Thank you for the pdf
02:00:54 joice baliddawa: is it raining what is the background noise?
02:05:21 Mya Win Hnit: Thanks for the pdf.
02:05:44 Richard Fitton: Patients are enjoying patient on line during the pandemic – I have attached a real story.
02:08:45 Tapesh Dutt Nagaria: could you send the email address here?
02:08:56 Heather McGrath: Nice to join from Jamaica,Heather McGrath
02:08:58 joice baliddawa: great ideas about remote rural care appealing for us in Kenya under the cobes program
02:09:31 Nandita: Thanks for sharing that story Richard
02:09:37 Ewen McPhee: The Phillips e-monitoring system is expensive. What is the ROI for Rural that would support other Governments implementing it?
02:12:53 Jerry Cowley: Excellent presentation Shannon.
02:13:57 joice baliddawa: who can support us in implementing IT in our training program.? We are in the process of institutionalizing online blended learning and teaching at the College of Health Sciences Moi University Eldoet Kenya.
02:14:23 Richard Fitton: GNU Solidario are a non profit organization that provide Open Source Libre healthcare software – worth approaching. https://www.gnusolidario.org/about-us.html
02:14:47 joice baliddawa: Thanks
02:16:25 Leo (formally ‘Lodewijk’) Pas: Thank You! Have You experienced possibilities for shared decisionmaking during covid pandemic in relation to mental health and family violence ?
02:17:15 Elhadi Miskeen: Thanks for the amazing session,,wonderful experiences
02:17:25 Elhadi Miskeen: During the COVID-19 pandemic, mandatory social distancing and the lack of effective treatments has made telemedicine the safest interactive system between patients, both infected and uninfected, and clinicians.
The pandemic further stressed the importance of remote monitoring.
Its useful to use digital application used to increase screening of individuals and monitor progression , needs to be easily accessible to general practitioners.
02:18:05 Tapesh Dutt Nagaria: hi, I have a question about RACE services in rural areas and the ROI on bringing specialist care to rural areas or primary care centres
02:18:36 joice baliddawa: mental health is becoming the center point in the management of corvid patients as well as the health care providers.
02:20:33 Jerry Cowley: Richard Will this result in an explosion of medicolegal cases? Is there any research on this?
02:20:46 joice baliddawa: the training of medical psychologists with a focus on clinical psychology is now being promoted. They are able to offer services to the other cadres of health care teams.
02:23:32 Richard Fitton: Also you might try Armand Mpassy Mbozu who is giving IT literacy training in Various African countries armandmpassy@yahoo.com and his director lfalcon@gnusolidaro.org
02:23:42 Ozden Gokdemir: I agree with Joice
02:24:24 joice baliddawa: training of medical psychologists should be supported given the advent of COVID-19
02:25:28 Ozden Gokdemir: Not only for people in lockdown but also for healthcare workers mental health is a real problem. Two physicians committed suicide yesterday- a surgean and a pschyatrist
02:26:08 joice baliddawa: now that is cause for concern especially the psychatrist
02:27:48 Leo (formally ‘Lodewijk’) Pas: anybody considering intervision between professionals on mental health ?
02:29:26 Jerry Cowley: Bruce’s point about governments possibly using telehealth availability as excuse to cut down on their responsibility could be applied to using other health workers to substitute for the no availability of a GP?
02:29:43 joice baliddawa: at CHS Moi we train medical psychologists for chronic disease management in the 4th year of study.
02:31:00 joice baliddawa: they are assigned a chronic condition to investigate and propose a management plan at the main referral hospital and then at a county level 5 facility.
02:31:02 Ewen McPhee: Thanks for your very comprehensive answer.
02:32:57 Nandita: We have been using the telemedicine facility to also allay apprehension of healthcare workers in the initial COVID-19 days
02:33:54 Bruce Chater: agree completely Joice – Nepal and Australia (rural generalist) are other examples
02:34:54 Bruce Chater: all health professinals in rural should be top of scope and full scope and work as teams
02:35:22 Leo (formally ‘Lodewijk’) Pas: Do you mean prevention on individual basis ? or mainly community oriented ?
02:35:24 Ozden Gokdemir: The tools could be needed for physical examination such as saturation probe,etc-this also needs Money, how did you solve this problem?
02:35:33 Nandita: Thanks for sharing that Joice
02:35:43 joice baliddawa: welcome
02:37:22 joice baliddawa: in our program for the medical psychologists we have developed pys-learning e-learning.
02:37:33 Jerry Cowley: Necessity is the mother of invention. Fantastic discussion arising from Shannon’s presentation. Its also a no brainer that some service is better than no service and this virtual service can even bring ICU expertise to the most remote areas. its really promising. I’m delighted wit Shannon’s comment that more career longeivity is a result which is good for all communities/ cinicians
02:38:23 Leo (formally ‘Lodewijk’) Pas: a special e.SIG exists about educating on alcohol. Contact me whoever is interested. alcoholkul@gmail.com or famviolence@gmail.com
02:39:41 joice baliddawa: at this time of covid institutions have been using the media to inform about the condition
02:40:45 Shannon Nott: Thanks Nandita, we have found similar cases across our state. We also had quite a few doctors worried about being across all COVID requirements in the early phases of the pandemic and were relieved to have additional support through telehealth
02:41:57 joice baliddawa: telehealth actually demystifies health conditions.
02:42:55 Leo (formally ‘Lodewijk’) Pas: what about confidentiality issues related to personal requestas and concerns in professional intervision ?
02:44:41 Nandita: Thank you for your comment, Shannon. Your presentation was a good start-point for this discussion
02:45:09 Leo (formally ‘Lodewijk’) Pas: one issue is a combination between organising telemedecine with direct contacts when needed including contacts with different professionals coordinated by a casemanager ?
02:46:51 Nandita: Hi Tapesh!
02:51:17 Bruce Chater: last few questions before I ask Shannon to wrap up?
02:55:46 Rick Botelho: Any one doing online remote monitoring of chronic illnesses in rural areas?
02:56:02 Tapesh Dutt Nagaria: good afternoon Dr. Nandita Ma’am, really nice to hear initiatives such as yours in my region and locale
02:56:34 Nandita: Thank you. Regards to all
02:57:04 joice baliddawa: we are trying to initiate the process at Moi
02:59:16 Leo (formally ‘Lodewijk’) Pas: all IT applications need a functionally detailed analysis of needs and possibilitiesindeed. Collaborative care might be an important step, in particularly difficult in mental health. A consensus process may be needed before. We are running such a consensus on family violence.
02:59:24 Jerry Cowley: Excellent – great wisdom in your advice Shannon.
02:59:34 Roger Strasser: Outstanding presentation and excellent discussion… Thank you Shannon and everyone… Roger.
03:00:04 joice baliddawa: very enlightening thanks very much.
03:00:59 Ozden Gokdemir: Thank you very much for sharing the knowledge
03:01:38 Leo (formally ‘Lodewijk’) Pas: Thank You indeed. to be followed…
03:02:25 Jerry Cowley: Tapesh put it well. This is ispiring and prompts us all to do better if we can
03:02:47 joice baliddawa: there is room for improvement.
03:02:52 Nandita: Tool to be used with utmost care in emergency health services
03:03:04 Shannon Nott: Thank you everyone for joining tonight.
03:03:19 Nandita: Great effort Shannon
03:03:27 Ewen McPhee: Thank you once again Shannon…
03:04:18 Shannon Nott: Thank you everyone and thanks Bruce for facilitating!